IF ONLY~如果能再愛一次

『 Picture it. You wave goodbye at the airport, She gets on the airplane, and you never see her again. Could you live with that? 』

『 How can you love someone so much and not know how to love them? 』

『 Appreciate her and what you have. Just love her! 』


I have loved you since I met you ...
but I would not allow myself to truly feel it until today. I am always thinking ahead, making decisions out of fear. Today, because of you, what I learned from you ...
every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I have learned that if you do that, you are living your life fully. It doesn’t matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, not for you ...I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who told me to love and to be loved.
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